December 7, 2011

How Do I Love Others?

Tonight I was challenged to think about how I love others. I love others a lot -- that is if "others" means "family." I love the heck out of my family. I love my family with all my heart, and I find joy in giving them everything I can. Love, friendship, support, encouragement, advice, listening, caring -- I would give everything I have to them, and I want to. I think my siblings know this -- I hope so!  ...Ok, I'm getting sidetracked.

Everyone who knows me knows that I love my job. I believe in the organization, the leadership, what we do, the people we serve, etc. It's a cool place. I'm not going to become wealthy there. I'm not set on climbing some ladder to a title or position or salary. In fact, it's actually a bit humbling compared to other jobs I've had or how I used to spend money (budget what?). However, about two and a half years ago, after two years of praying for God to call me to work that would serve Him with all the gifts He has given me, I had the opportunity to take a position where I am now, and my heart knew it was the right thing.

My job has a lot of perks: I make my own appointments and control my own schedule. I have a lot of independence. I'm out of the office 70% of the time. But the most awesome thing about my job is that I get to love people. I meet many people who have serious barriers to succeeding in life, who deal with painful and/or frustrating tribulations, who are living in poverty, who experience discrimination or judgment from others and face many other hardships. And I get to listen to them. To encourage them. To be firm but kind to them. To help them brainstorm ways to achieve their goals. My job is about loving people and treating all people with dignity and respect. The source of love that pours out of my heart and reaches to others is Christ. Jesus' love can shine through the way I listen, speak, and be fully present. (There are also times when my actions do not convey love!)

God's love can shine through all of us in our words and actions. The blessings we receive multiply when we are aware of the love Christ has for others, allow His love to come through us, and share that love with others.

I think we all have the opportunity to experience this in our lives whether it's work, volunteering, spending time with friends -- it can be anything and everything. Ideally, we will live in ways where Christ's love is in all we do all of the time. I think it requires just asking God to come into a situation and be present in our heart and in the conversation, presentation, discussion -- whatever. He is always ready to rush in, and He is love. His presence enables us to humble ourselves, be courageous when needed, be kind, be happy for others, and want the best for others, etc. God is generous to all.

We can love others with Christ's love in the most simple of tasks as well as the most significant. All we need to do is invite Him into our hearts. Then, the journey begins!


  1. Bravo! Well thought out and well written.

  2. Hey, our work sounds similar. I work at a family support center, and I work with people in low income areas with challenges in their lives, to be the best parents they can be, and it's so rewarding! Recently we have gotten some refugee families and the one mom in particular often says to me, "God bless you." and I know he has!
