We live in a time that is in need of compassion and kinship. Everywhere in society we see the deadly
consequences of violence, greed, and injustice. But our souls have been created by God and made
to desire the good. I have seen and experienced acts of generosity and love that we show one
another, our children, our families, our neighbors, and strangers. I have seen actions that build the
Kingdom of God on earth: a society of equality, justice, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and
God desires us to know and love him, and to trust that his way is the way to happiness. He is always
pursuing each one of us in everything, beckoning us to choose and follow him. I have great hope in
the goodness placed in us by him and encourage you to listen to that voice inside your heart and
find the Lord calling you to something more.
"The word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe." Deuteronomy 30:14
"[the Lord says] I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts..." Jeremiah 31:33
I am one who also seeks, questions, wonders, and desires the good. Our lives are journeys with ups
and downs, clarity and obscurity, faith and doubt, hopefulness and desperation. I wish to encourage
you and lift you up as you journey. First, let us reflect on some of the truths: our God-given
dignity and identity, goodness in diversity, purpose of unity, and call to solidarity.
I once read that we are not judged as a summation of our good versus bad actions, as if it were
a tally of pluses and minuses to see which comes out ahead. Instead, what matters is the direction
of our lives. Do we repent? Do we forgive? Do we change our lives for the better and keep moving
forward? Let us pray that we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, grow towards the good, and seek
the Truth that leads to complete and eternal love. Let us pray that our lives are transformed by
Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, to grow in knowledge and love of the
Lord. We were created by God, and known and loved by God long before we were born.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." Jeremiah 1:5
We are the result of his loving and holy vision. God so overflows with love, the complete essence
of who he is, that he cannot help but do something with that love, and so he creates. And joyfully!
He wants us to have the smallest glimpse of his immense joy and love that he invites us to be cocreators with him. Parents bring live into the world, cooperating with God and his plan for creation
and life in him.
He chose to create you. He desires to make you complete by the love in which he wants to surround
you. In heaven, we join in the perfect love of the Blessed Trinity, and we are made whole. Our
purpose is in God. Our destiny is in God.
Every person is made by God and for God. Since we are all created by God, we are all equal, no
matter our lot in life. We all have equal dignity. Our souls are designed to know God's goodness and
receive his love. Praise you, Lord!
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord..." Luke 1:46
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Psalm 103:1
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