Photo by Maureen Kennedy Macel
"A Good Life" presents a special Lenten blog post by Maureen Kennedy Macel (Week 6):
Day 37 Thursday March 26 - [P] Mercy
RO37: We need this God who is beyond the pains of our earth. We have this savior that says, “Hold on to me. I’ve got your back. I’m for you, not against you.” // In those moments of suffering ..if you know God already you will see Him. Maybe not standing right in front of you, but ...God is there. He will make himself present to you// Get to know God now because those things are coming down the road. // Find your strength in the Lord and He’ll raise you up in those moments when no other human being can.
Genesis 17: 3-9
God also said to Abraham: “On your part, you and your descendants after you must keep my covenant throughout the ages.”
John 8: 51-59
Jesus said to the Jews: “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.”
I often ask God to have mercy on me for my failings. And even though I can read/hear countless verses from the Bible about how I am to show mercy to others just as God shows it to me (The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11: 1-4; The Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37; The Prodigal Son Luke 15: 11-32; The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Matthew 18: 21-35) it can still be really hard to show that mercy when the moment comes for me to do so.
In the moment I are called to show mercy I often let myself get in the way because I am the center of my world. I am the most important thing and how I feel is what matters and what I think is right and just is what is right and just. But I am wrong. Very wrong.
The Bible is filled with parables but they are not just meant to be lessons all wrapped up in pretty verses for me to listen to, think I know, but then fail to live out when the time comes. These words are supposed to guide my actions especially in those moments when I find it hardest to forgive.
It can be hard work to forgive those that have trespassed against us. I definitely can find myself saying, “I know. I know. That is what I’m supposed to do. But in this case I am definitely justified not forgiving because look at what’s been done!” God doesn’t say it’s easy to live this way. But he calls us to try because we shouldn’t let the sin of another become a sin on our own hearts.
Day 38 Friday March 27 - [F] Do not listen to music in the car
RO38: We’re not meant to live this life on our own. We’re not meant to go at this alone. That’s not how God created it. Suffering and hard times are going to come in everyone’s lives. It’s going to happen. The question is are we able to take that suffering, to take the panoramic view, and to see it as an opportunity not only in our relationship with God but to grow in our relationship with others. To be able to step outside of ourselves. And to find that hope and be able to trust in God’s plan for us again. // Our challenge is to be able to look at the hardships in our lives, those times of sufferings, and see them as opportunities to grow. // In turning to God you will find the hope and the peace and the joy that you never thought possible.
Jeremiah 20: 10-13
But the LORD is with me, like a mighty champion: my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph.
John 10: 31-42
Even if you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may realize and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.
I’ve been reflecting on prayers recently and praying - saying “standard” prayers or reading those of others or thinking of my own. And instead of writing up a long-winded rambling about my personal experience with prayer (which I did and then deleted because it definitely was long-winded, rambling, and I’m not even sure if it had a point?) -- and which prayers I find most moving to my soul -- God gave me some time to pause, step back, and just focus on this one thing:
God wants us to pray. He wants us to mean it - say/think the words and feel them, believe them, and trust in Him. Sometimes it is hard to clear your head and focus and really commit yourself to that moment of prayer. But try, and continue trying. Because sometimes it is the prayer that is important, but always it is praying that is important.
Take some time to talk to God. And then take some time to listen.
Day 39 Saturday March 28 - [S] Deliver your food bank items
RO39: You’re not alone. When Jesus was here on this earth he went through betrayal. // Jesus knows what it’s like to be alone. // God can give you the grace to forgive. // In our own lives God has a vision for us. Do we miss out on that vision because when we are betrayed by people we allow it to take away from really experiencing the love of God from really seeing all the love that God has for us. // Look at betrayal in light of the cross. That out of the cross came life. The life that God wants to give you. Will you accept the life that He wants to give you?
Ezekial 37: 21-28
I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
John 11: 45-56
So the chief priests and the Pharisees convened the Sanhedrin and said, “What are we going to do? This man is performing many signs. If we leave him alone, all will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our land and our nation.”
I have a box of food bank items in my entry way. They’ve been there for about one month waiting. I somewhat intended to deliver them today, though when given the opportunity to make other plans I did that and so never got around to delivering to it.
I mean, I can justify that I could wait and just do it some other time. But I feel like that is a running theme in my life. I have good (or decent-ish) intentions and then just fail a bit on the follow through.
I did spent the day in a great way - one which God I think approves. But still I was to do this thing for Him but just kind of dropped it because I was focusing on this other thing.
I mean, this other thing was a prayer retreat with my mom Ruth and Bridgette in Uniontown at The Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great. So I did spend over half of my day in a prayerful place (followed by more “Me & God” time at mass) and it was amazing to connect with God.
But sometimes prayer and living for God isn’t just about our internal journey; it needs to also be one of community.
I often do get so caught up in my prayerfulness and focusing on me and my personal relationship with God that I neglect the external -- which is basically everything else in the world and stuff that I know God does want me to care about. Like donating to a food bank.
And so I hope to get around to dropping off my “Food Pantry” box. But until then at least it is in my entry way gently reminding me (mocking me) that I need to do a better job of actively helping others.
May 11 Update: Funny how God comes to you when you fail to go to Him -- I received a postcard in the mail saying the Post-Office was doing a food drive. All I needed to do was to place a bag of items by my mailbox and the mailman would pick it up. So… Thanks for the help, God!
Day 40 Palm Sunday March 29 - [P] Peace
RO40: A fast is supposed to help you gain control, self-mastery over the passions of your life. Sit down with the Holy Spirit and say “Lord, you tell me, what is something you want me to fast on during this Lenten experience?” // Real prayer. Consider making a dedicated time to pray. // Get into the scriptures. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you which book of the scriptures He wants you to dive into. Then spend some time digging into the Word of God and then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you should apply it to your life.
John 12: 12-16
When the great crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out: “Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel.”
Isaiah 50: 4-7
Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear; // The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame.
Philippians 2: 6-11
Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Mark 14: 1-15, 47
The poor you will always have with you, and whenever you wish you can do good to them, but you will not always have me.// Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will.” // Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” // It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him. The inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.”
In the Palm Sunday readings we hear many stories about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. And in that story we watch Peter deny Jesus three times. We know it’s coming. We know he’ll do it before the cock crows twice. What’s more is we know that Jesus even tells Peter that he will fail Him - and so Peter himself even knew it was coming.
Instead of being disheartened by this I actually find it encouraging.
Think about it: Jesus’ hand-picked disciple, who knew Jesus in the flesh, who loved Jesus, who believed Jesus, who followed Him, and who was even given the “heads up” by Jesus himself that he was about to fail Jesus still had a hard time following Jesus.
Why I find this encouraging: Even Jesus’ disciples made mistakes.
Peter failed Jesus even though he knew him personally and God revealed Himself to his very face. He was constantly in His presence learning God’s message and living with God for God. And yet he still wasn’t a perfect follower.
When a challenging moment came to pick God over something else (money, vanity, self-interest) even Jesus disciples chose themselves instead of Him.
But what is even more encouraging is that Peter doesn’t use the shame he felt in failing Jesus to hide away from the world forever, to think he wasn’t worthy and therefore no longer try to follow Him. No! What did he then do? Peter recognized his failings and then worked hard to be better disciple. He proclaimed the Gospel and helped build the church.
Day 41 Monday March 30 - [F] No desserts or treats today
I skipped this day for reasons I will explain below.
Day 42 Tuesday March 31 - [S] Buy dog or cat food for an animal shelter (deliver on Saturday)
Today I will just convey a message from Bishop Zubik which was a message of God’s mercy. His homily was about forgiving others - showing them the same mercy that God shows us. And to always remember that because Jesus died on the cross for us he took on our sins and gained us God’s forgiveness. Through Jesus our sins are “Forgiven. Forgotten. Forever.” With this message Bishop Zubik stressed: “Hear it. Believe it. Embrace it.”
Day 43 Wednesday April 1 - [P] Kindness
Day 44 Holy Thursday April 2 - [F] No TV or screens today
Day 45 Good Friday April 3 - [S] Plan a tree or flowers
Day 46 Holy Saturday April 4 - [S] Deliver animal items
Day 47 Easter Sunday April 5 - [P] Resurrection
Over the last week we were in and out of the hospital 3x with Nora…. I meant to eventually get around to writing reflections but I never did. I wanted my Holy Week reflections to be so perfect for Holy Week, but that all got tossed to the wayside as we focused on our little bean and prayer.
I hope that everyone had a Blessed Easter! We did! - All we wanted was to have Nora healthy enough to go to mass with my family and we were able to! (PS. She is better now, just had a terrible bout of croup.)