Photo taken by my sister, Maureen
I previously wrote that I relate to Peter's (the apostle) story because I desire with all my heart to do God’s will, and yet there are times that I totally fail. I am reminded that Jesus always offers love and healing, and that despite all of my failures, He asks me to be a leader for Him. He desires the same of you.
Here's the deal: Peter was one of Jesus' best friends. At the Last Supper, Peter promised Jesus he would be there with Him through anything. Peter seriously meant it -- as Jesus was being arrested by the authorities, Peter cut off the slave's ear to defend Jesus. Then Peter followed Jesus when He was taken to be questioned by the high priest. But, when Peter is asked by a woman as to whether he knows Jesus, Peter becomes overwhelmed by fear, he freaks out and denies Jesus three times, and then he runs off, away from the scene. The next day, Jesus is put to death.
I imagine how Peter must have felt after abandoning his best friend and knowing that his friend, the Son of God, died a horrific death.
Three days later, we have the joy of the Resurrection, and Jesus begins revealing himself to the disciples. Again, I imagine how Peter must have felt to come face-to-face with the friend he abandoned. Peter's heart was probably overwhelmed with shame, regret, sorrow, and the feeling of complete failure. The pain he was carrying, the despair and disappointment he felt with himself -- all of that had been crushing him since the moment he realized he denied the Lord.
Jesus, our God, knows everything, and He knew Peter's pain. At the end of the Gospel according to John, we read that after breakfast with the disciples, Jesus pulls Simon Peter aside. The conversation went like this:
Jesus: Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?
Peter: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
Jesus: Feed my lambs.
Jesus: Simon, son of John, do you love me?
Peter: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
Jesus: Tend my sheep.
Jesus: Simon, son of John, do you love me?
Peter: Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.
Jesus: Feed my sheep.
Jesus knew Peter's pain and gave Peter healing. Where Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times, Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me." Jesus lovingly offered Peter redemption, for Peter's sake. Jesus knew Peter's heart, He knew how the events would transpire, and He knew that Peter needed the healing that only comes from God.
God knows our hearts. He loves us as His children. He knows our brokenness, and He wants to heal us. Will you let Jesus into your heart so He can heal you and bind you by His love?