Two turtles. Photo taken by Maur.
It was another perfect vacation day in Hilton Head, just a few weeks ago. I biked to Mass, and while there, heard this Scripture: Jesus prayed to the Father, "...that the world may believe that you sent me."(Jn 17:21)
That the world may believe. The world! What struck me was that Jesus wanted to save the world, but he was just one person. One divine man with a ministry.
How often do we hear people say that, "I'm just one person, how can I make a difference?" or "You are just one person, how can you really make an impact?" Or sometimes we know what it's like to feel defeated and discouraged when an issue feels too big to solve.
Jesus came to save the entire world; He came for every single person ever born and still to be born. He came for you. He was one divine man with a ministry and 12 best friends who were passionate about the cause.
Jesus was preaching the Way. He had the biggest mission of all, offering God's love and forgiveness to all people so we could have eternal life in Him. He did the work that was before Him, day by day, and so did the apostles. The people they reached out to had their lives changed for the better, and those people passed that goodness on to the lives of people around them, and so on and so on until 2,000+ years later, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and I'm trying to spread the Good News, day by day.
So, don't be discouraged. You are one person with a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God. Sometimes you will see the impacts, and other times the good that you do has impacts that you will never know in this lifetime. Serve people, love people. The little things you do truly matter. You are one person, and you can change the world!